

the end of June traditionally marks the end of the school year in Haiti, which is a time of reflection and hope for the future for students and their families. The children have received their report cards, which are the result of their efforts throughout the year, and now they have the summer holidays ahead of them. These holidays are not only a time to rest, but also an opportunity to prepare for the new school year that begins in September.

The education system in Haiti

Education in Haiti faces many challenges. The country has one of the lowest literacy rates in the Western Hemisphere, with many children lacking access to quality education. Rural areas are particularly affected by a shortage of schools and teachers. Yet Haitian students are known for their perseverance and desire for education, which is the key to a better future.

Haitian schools often suffer from a lack of resources, including textbooks, school supplies and infrastructure. Many schools operate in makeshift conditions, often without electricity or running water. Teachers are poorly paid and often have to work multiple jobs to support their families.

Summer holidays: a time of preparation and rest

Summer vacation is a time for Haitian children to put aside schoolwork for a while and focus on family and community activities. However, for many families, this period is also a time of economic stress as they have to provide the necessary school supplies and uniforms for the upcoming school year.