Baie de Henne is situated in the northwest part of Haiti. It is one of the poorest and most remote parts of the country. This area is not connected by any road, terrain is rocky and strenuous even for jeeps and large cars. Due to the deforestation the land in this area is bare and dry.

There are 24 800 people living in Baie de Henne, according to the population census of 2009. Most of the inhabitants make a living by fishing. They fish on the boats on sea, despite the fact that most of them cannot swim.




School of Sainte Maria Goretti in Baie de Henne is attended by 250 pupils. Most of them study thanks to our support and the support of Czech donors. The fact that they can learn to read, write and count can change their lives. Half of the Haitians are illiterate.

Teachers in our schools are getting paid, which stabilises the school.

In the 2015 new dining room was built, so now children can finally have a lunch on chairs and tables. Most of the time they enjoy eating rice and beans which is often their only warm meal in a whole day. The school is administered by a local parish.


Parish in Baie de Henne


In 2005 Czech missionary Roman Musil arrived to Baie de Henne. There he started helping the poorest of the poor. Soon we – Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc – joined him.  We help Haitians in their everyday life – e.g. by separating freshwater springs from saltwater ones, acquiring metal roofs that can withstand hurricane and tropical storms, food aid or delivery of much needed medicine and vitamins.  Since 2015 we organise health camps for poor people from the remote parts of the northwest Haiti – yearly health check-up and medical treatment are financed by campaign For the Health of Haiti. The most important action is the Child Sponsorship Programme. By this programme Czech donors support education of young Haitians.


Roof above the Head – acquiring metal roofs that can resist hurricanes and tropical storms.

Health Camp – Health check-ups and medical treatment for schoolchildren and elderly people in need from Baie de Henne, who have no chance to visit a doctor. Most of them suffer from headache and stomach-ache, lack of vitamins, worms, and ear, eye or skin infections. Due to the lack of nutritious food plenty of children suffer from eye problems, some of them are in risk of going blind in the adulthood.