

Brno – Haiti – life before and after Hurricane Matthew. With such a discussion and a dense supply of photographs and objects taken in Haiti, we went to Café Prague in Brno. Klára Lőffelmannová acquainted those present with the current situation on the island in the Caribbean, which was recently ravaged by riots and then by a 4th degree hurricane.

Klára brought the history of Haiti, the everyday life of the locals with their joys and sorrows, as well as the experience of a monthly mission after Hurricane Matthew in October, to more than twenty guests of Café Prague. She diversified the lecture by projecting photographs and videos. The audience confirmed their interest in the situation in the country with their numerous questions. Finally, people could also buy jewelry, handbags, magnets, keychains or coffee directly from Haiti. The money they have spent on these things will support communities in Haiti. They face a lack of quality drinking water, health care or need to replace palm leaf roofs with tin roofs – they can withstand tropical storms and heavy rains.

Karolina Opatrilova, ACHO