

Prague – Toys of Haitian children? Only from garbage. The children who headed to Prague’s Palmovka on Tuesday, June 5, enjoyed the fun of recycling. They and adult visitors of the U-Let’s Go! Event learned about how to make the world a better place. Palmovka was one of the six Prague city districts that participated in the campaign for sustainable development. The local space was filled with various stalls focused on ecology, fair trade, etc. One of them was Caritas.

The Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc presented its aid to Haiti in a non-traditional, entertaining way. “There is poverty in Haiti, so the children there do not have the toys we know here. They make them, for example, from garbage. Among the boys, there are cars made of canisters and various plastic containers, or balls made of bags and strings. Schoolchildren and children also tried to make similar toys at our stand in Palmovka, “said Klára Lőffelmannová, project coordinator in Haiti.

The scissors were cut, the ducts were glued, the bags rustled, the plastic sheets creaked… The little šikuls went to work and the waste from the boxes began to disappear. They then went home with a new purse, octopus, toy cars, monsters, a balloon and other things of their own production. Judge for yourself how the toys performed:

In addition to the workshop, people at the charity stand also viewed photos from Haiti with captions that depicted local life.

Caritas Czech Republic also presented itself at the stand. It has outlined its assistance in Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Zambia, Cambodia and South Sudan. In addition to the textbooks on display for schoolchildren, visitors could also admire photographs taken in Syria and Cambodia.

Karolina Opatrilova, ACHO