

Haiti, an island country located in the Caribbean, has been struggling with many socio-economic and political problems for a long time. Recently, however, the situation has escalated to even more complex dimensions, which has disastrous effects especially on the poorest population of this country. One of the areas most affected is education.

The troubled political and social environment in Haiti in recent years has led to a loss of stability and increasing poverty. The most vulnerable suffer the most – the poor, who have long struggled with a lack of resources and opportunities. For these families, education is a way out of poverty and hope for a better future for their children.

However, recent events, including riots and the destruction of school infrastructure, have dramatically affected the education system in Haiti. Schools were closed, not only due to safety concerns, but also due to property damage that affected many facilities across the country. The situation of schools such as the School of the Sisters of St. Josef in Gonaives, which was looted and damaged during the riots.

For Haitian children, education is key to their future, but many are now deprived of that opportunity due to a lack of functioning schools. This is particularly alarming in the context of long-term challenges facing the country, such as poverty, lack of health care and access to basic needs.

Aid organizations and volunteers in Haiti are trying to respond to this crisis and provide support to the most vulnerable groups. Redirecting funds to support functioning school facilities such as St. Maria Goretti in Baie-de-Henne, may be one of the measures to help minimize the impact of the current situation on children’s education.

However, it is important to realize that solving these problems will require a comprehensive and long-term effort. Haiti needs not only short-term humanitarian aid, but also long-term investment in infrastructure, education and economic development in order to stand on its own two feet and provide a better future for its citizens.

In this difficult time, it is important to persevere in the pursuit of support and solidarity with the people of Haiti. Their fight for better living conditions and access to education is a fight for a better future not only for them, but also for the whole society.

Roman Musil, coordinator for Haiti