Gonaives town is situated in the northwest part of Haiti. There are about 300 000 people living in this area, according to the last population census in 2011. After the year 2 000 this town was fighting against strong floods, landslides, storms and hurricanes.

In Gonaives there is the lack of drinking water; local people have to buy it. Most of them live from hand to mouth, the little things they have they can either sell or exchange. The worst conditions are for the residents of Gonaivian suburbs, who are the target group of our aid, which we provide with the help of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition. The sisters run not only elementary school, but also orthopaedic centre, nutritious centre for mothers and a sewing workshop.



The Emmaus Saint Joseph School in Gonaive is attended by 600 pupils, more than 100 of them are there only thanks to our support and the support of the Czech donors. The school is managed by the Indian Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition.

Every day children start their classes by lining up and raising the flag at the schoolyard. After that they leave for their classes.  Teachers in this school receive stable wages for their work, which helps to stabilise the school.

Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc financially supported construction of the newest school building.  The building was constructed to withstand both hurricanes and earthquakes. There is also a new dining room where children receive one warm food a day. In the school area there are safe toilets, which are often absent in Haitian households.


The sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition from India


Since 2009 we are cooperating with the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition.  We support the construction of a multipurpose building with a rehabilitation and nutrition centre and school in Gonaives. In 2010 we had a crucial role in post-earthquake aid in Port au Prince. Our people were coordinating humanitarian aid (hygienic necessities, tents, water, alimentation…) headed to Haiti directly from the affected area. We also sent help through our partners. Plenty of Haitians were suddenly homeless and went to the north of country.  Lot of these people settled in Gonaives. In the year 2017 we sent to Haiti a container with material help – pedal powered sewing machine, teaching aids and school furniture, sport equipment for kids, healthcare material… The most important activity is the Child Sponsorship Programme. With this project the Czech donors support the education of little Haitians.


Roof Above Head – acquiring metal roofs that can resist hurricanes and tropical storms

Support of sewing workshop – purchasing pedal powered sewing machines, sewing necessities, textiles and other equipment for sewing workshop, which is managed by the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition since 2017. Thanks to the sewing courses women and girls learn dressmakers’ work that can secure their livelihood.