

Haiti – Klára Lőffelmannová from the Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc will spend more than a month in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere – in Haiti. Haiti is an unstable state where there is no government or health or school system. Klára will check the projects on the spot, through which Caritas and Czech donors will help the poorest Haitians. Last year, various blockades and conflicts were on the agenda in the country, and with the election of a new president, perhaps the situation has improved. In addition, Haiti is known for its annual hurricane occurrences. The mission in the Caribbean will run from September 19 to October 31.

Humanitarian worker Klára Lőffelmannová last worked in Haiti last October. He and a colleague helped the Haitians there immediately after Hurricane Matthew. In early September this year, hurricanes Irma and José avoided the Caribbean island nation. “Only the inhabitants of the northern part of the country felt the strong wind caused by the nearby Hurricane Irma, so compared to other Caribbean islands, it turned out well in Haiti. This year, I want to focus mostly on monitoring our educational project Remote Adoption, and I will also check how the roofs destroyed by last year’s hurricane in the south of the country were repaired. A medical week in the northwest of Baie de Henne is waiting for me again, where thanks to Czech donors we will be able to see and treat poor Haitians, especially children who do not get to the doctor, “calculates the planned activities of the Caritas employee. Container for Haiti with material assistance and also visit schools assisted by the Slovak Catholic Charity.

Klára carries three suitcases with her on more than a month’s mission. These are full of letters and gifts from adoptive parents for Haitian children or medicines that are missing in Haiti. Only half of one suitcase is taken up by Klára’s things. So what must a humanitarian worker not forget? “I bring with me, for example, an emergency backpack for emergencies, which contains, for example, a first aid kit, a headlamp and the like. It is also necessary to have valid vaccinations against jaundice, typhoid fever and cholera. It is not possible to be vaccinated against malaria, so a mosquito net must be enough, “continues Klára Lőffelmannová.

You will soon read about how he is doing in Haiti in the online notebook from the mission on the web or Facebook of the Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc and Charity for Haiti.

More than 300 letters and gifts had to be crammed into the trunk. They are sent to Haitian schoolchildren by their adoptive parents.

Karolina Opatrilova, ACHO