
kontejner na Haiti_titulka

January 18 2018, Gonaïves – The container for Haiti has arrived from the Czech Republic and then from the Caribbean harbour to Gonaïves. The shipment with the humanitarian aid from the Czech donors reached its destination on 18th January 2018 in the evening around half past ten. The cargo unloading started next day at 5 a.m. and took a little less than 5 hours. According to Renee Quadros from the order of St. Joseph who oversees the shipment, everything went well.

“Problems were not even with the customs clearance. That took only five days,” says Klára Lőffelmannová from the Archdiocese Caritas Olomouc. The collection contains the equipment for a sewing workshop; including pedal sewing machines, school furniture, school supplies, sport equipment for children, medical supplies – for example crutches, hygiene supplies and many others. The preparation and course of the collection lasted over half a year and we have been helped by more than thirty volunteers from the public and (different) charities. “While unpacking the pallets, the Haitians had the opposite problem than we did – in the container was very hot in the sun, but we were freezing while packing it in November”, smiles Klára.

THANKS to all donors and volunteers for their generosity, willingness and hard work.

Sister Renee (Centre of St. Joseph in Gonaïves) also sends her big thanks to the Czech Republic: “Dear Czech friends, greetings from Gonaïves in Haiti. The container has arrived in the night of 18th January 2018 with all your wishes, gifts, generosity and devotion. I would like to thank every single one of you and tell you that even the smallest thing sent in the container will be very useful in Haiti. Thank you for opening your hearts for us – the people of Haiti…“


You can see the photos by Renee Quadros from Gonaïves below:

Some things from the collection were now received also in Baie de Henne.