

13th April, 2018, Velehrad – How to help in Haiti, the country which suffers from hunger, water scarcity or hurricanes? Klára Lőffelmannová from the Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc shared the stories about the education of poor children, the organization of Medical Camps and also her experiences of every year missions in Haiti. In our stand, visitors could see photos, as well as our leaflets and brochures. Also visitors were informed about our actual collection „A Car for Haiti“. Some of those present helped directly by purchasing jewels, magnets or handbags made by the skilled people of Haiti.

Student’s Velehrad presented not only some of NGO’s that help, but also offered interesting programme for young people, as interesting lectures or holy masses. The motto of this year is „It’s up to you – Human is as big as he feel the responsibility” (A. de St. Exupery) ……so youth, let’s go!

Karolína Opatřilová, ACHO