

Olomouc – Misery, corruption, natural disasters, but also the everyday color, life in the present, joy. This is Haiti. Large-format photographs of Jiří Pasz illustrate how people live there. He talked about his trip to the Caribbean with the Archdiocesan Charity of Olomouc and the situation in Haiti at the opening on April 24th in the exhibition space of the Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty of the Palacký University in Olomouc. “Every time the Haitians recover from all sorts of misfortunes, something else comes. Yet they do not leave hope. To have hope – we all have this in common, whether we live in far Haiti or here in the Czech Republic,” Jiří Pasz told the exhibition visitors. He also stressed that it was very difficult to help in a collapsed state where there was no system and no safety (either due to frequent hurricanes and tropical storms or street riots).

The exhibition All Colors of Hope or How Haiti (not) Loses Schoolchildren can be seen in the building of the Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty until May 19th. Learn more here: https://www.cmtf.upol.cz/nc/zprava/clanek/vsechny-barvy-nadeje-aneb-jak-haiti-neprichazi-o-skolaky/


Karolína Opatřilová, Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc