

On Monday, July 20, the Haitian government ended the lockdown of the country.

From July 6, the operation of textile and other factories was fully resumed. From July 12, spiritual services were restored, services and other church ceremonies were allowed. And from August 10, school teaching will be fully resumed. In the four months since the country was paralyzed by the spread of coronavirus, currency inflation grew to 23 %. Food and petrol were running low (for example, in Cap-Haïten, garbage collectors stopped collecting waste because they ran out of petrol). And according to the report of UN humanitarian department OCHA, 47 % of the population needs humanitarian aid.

The partners not only informed their neighbors about the disease and how to protect themselves from it, but also distributed food, protective and disinfectant products. They sewed face masks for children and adults. And they cared for those who could not afford it because of the current situation. In Gonaïves, the total number of informed people reached 62,500, the number of distributed meals for the families of school children 740 and other families went to 285, and the distribution of masks, disinfectants and other material reached 3,280 families.

And all this only thanks to donors from the Czech Republic. “Our sincere gratitude goes to all our great donors for their generous support in helping the poor in these difficult times,” writes Sr. Margaret, principal of the Emmaus Saint Joseph School.

Lada Matyášová, Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc