
Sestra Gonaives

School has still not started all over Haiti, even after several postponements. The Sisters of Saint Joseph, who run a school in the town of Gonaives and which we support as an archdiocesan charity, left Haiti last week. They will remain at home in India until the security situation there calms down. The public has so far supported the collection, which we announced to help rebuild the destroyed school, with the amount of almost CZK 100,000.

The overall situation in Haiti continues to deteriorate. In addition to the fact that this poor country is constantly mired in social unrest and chaos, cholera is starting to spread again. The United States and Canada donated several armored vehicles to Haiti to strengthen the local police in the fight against local gangs, but this is apparently not enough at all, so the UN is considering sending an international contingent to calm the situation.

All we have to do is wait for the situation to calm down. Until then, we are concentrating on raising funds, which we will then use to help. We managed to raise almost CZK 100,000 through a public fundraiser to help Haiti. The collection continues.