

On Monday, May 22, 2023, a lecture was held at the primary school in Břidličná about the project of the Olomouc Archdiocese Charity “Adoption at a distance”. The lecture was attended by pupils of the eighth grade of elementary school together with pupils of the low-threshold center in Břidličná. The lecture lasted over two class hours. During this time, students were presented with photos, videos and stories of children from Haiti. The discussion developed into a wider awareness of the need to help these children and the various options for how this can be achieved. The aim of the lecture was to acquaint the pupils with the issue of long-distance adoption and to focus especially on the life of people in Haiti.

This Caribbean country faces many challenges and poverty, so it was important for the students to learn about the living conditions on this island and how they can help the children who live there. During the lecture, some stories of children from Haiti who are in difficult living conditions were presented. The students were interested in these stories and actively participated in the discussion with the lecturer. They asked questions about their daily lives, education and health care. The entire event was beneficial both for the students, who learned about the living conditions in Haiti and the ways they can help, and for the teachers, who saw how they can develop empathy, interest in other people and a sense of responsibility in students through such a lecture. We believe that this lecture will create a lasting and positive impact on the students and the entire school. The school is committed to providing real help and support to the child it has chosen for adoption.