

Olomouc – This year, the national youth meeting was dominated by Olomouc. The program also included a Day with Families, where people on Dolní náměstí could get acquainted with various non-profit organizations. Among them was the Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc. She outlined her aid to Haiti. The theme of the day was: Don’t be afraid of the future.

At the stand of the Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc, people could drink to the health of Haiti and refresh themselves with a cup of water, and also participated in the painting of paintings for Haitian schoolchildren. These images will then be taken by the project coordinator in Haiti to the Caribbean in the second half of September to please the children whom Caritas helps through Czech donors. In addition, part of the stand was turned into a hairdressing salon, where those interested could have similar hairstyles conjured on their curls, which are worn in Haiti to society (to school, church and various meetings). There was also a presentation with photographs and captions depicting everyday life in Haiti.

Photo: ACHO Archive