

Brno – Abstract mostly acrylic paintings by Libor Eyer will be seen by visitors of Brno’s Galeryje9 from Tuesday 26th March. The vernissage will take place at 6 P.M. and people will set out not only to the world of Eyer’s “emotional painting”, but also to far Haiti. The artist is also an adoptive parent who supports poor Haitian children in education.

“I donate the proceeds from the sale of the paintings to the repair of a school that is located in Haiti’s cut-off area,” adds Libor Eyer. The school is located in Baie de Henne and is attended by 250 children from a wide area, all supported by Czech donors through the Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc. According to humanitarian worker Klára Lőffelmannová the school has not been repaired and is slowly deteriorating. “The toilets are the worst, which is the cause of various diseases in children. The repair of the school will solve their frequent absence in lessons and their parents will be left with any worries and costs of treatment. The project will also work locally on a temporary basis. We thank Libor Eyer for his support. We appreciate it,” says Klára Lőffelmannová.

Haiti is plagued by natural disasters, riots in the streets, hunger and lack of drinking water. On the other hand, there is evident joy of the present moment, there is singing and music in the country, people dancing… The Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc has been helping there since 2005.

The exhibition of paintings by Libor Eyer will last until 26th April.

Karolína Opatřilová, Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc