
3_2017_Haiti má nového ministra školství

Haiti – The equipment of schools in Haiti is lousy and school canteens are not a matter of course for children there. The newly appointed Haitian Minister of Education Pierre Josué Agenor Cadet wants to remedy these shortcomings.

Prior to his appointment as Minister of Education, Cadet studied sociology. According to Haiti’s management, Cadet has a lot of experience and is a man in the right place. He has already made it known that his main priorities will be the technical equipment of schools and school canteens.

One hot meal a day given to students from Distance Adoption is as important to many as education. They can’t eat anywhere other than at school. “In Haiti, school canteens are not in good condition and the diet is generally not very varied. In addition, many children cannot afford to study because their families do not have the money for tuition, textbooks and other supplies, as well as school uniforms, which are compulsory. Another problem is the low qualification of teachers and their very little support from the state. Teachers are poorly paid and have something to do to support their families, so they are not motivated at all, “explains Klára Lőffelmannová from the Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc, who suffers from Haitian education. Klára coordinates the Distance Adoption educational project, through which Czech donors pay education to Haitian poor children. These children are grateful for the chance for the future. “Half of Haitians cannot read and write, and education is the basis for further personal and social development,” adds Klára.

The fact that studying is a stepping stone to a better future is proven by the story of little Miguelson. The boy and his parents and siblings live under a plastic shelter near a large sewage pipe in Gonaïves. Until recently, the whole family lived. Now Miguelson and his two other siblings dress up in school uniforms every day and head to the school, where they are not only learning but also satiating themselves. They are included in the charity project Adoption.

Perhaps Haitian education and thus many children have a future with the new minister. See you…

Read more in the article on Haiti Libre.

Karolina Opatrilova, ACHO