

Things are happening in Baie de Henne! Several events have taken place at Sainte Maria Goretti in the last few weeks. A floorball tournament, a soccer tournament and a Red Cross training on hurricane safety. Coronavirus is not a topic here, although the children still follow the hygiene measures. Everyone is doing well and enjoying the school year which is slowly coming to an end.

At Emmaus St. Joseph School in Gonaives, the security situation is still precarious, but the school and the associated community centre are open again after a few weeks. The children prepared a big celebration for Parents’ Day, which was attended by many people of the local community. Although there is a lot of fear of coronavirus here, it did not deter them from enjoying the dances and singing together.

Roche-au-Bateaux has been hit by a heat wave, so farmers are having trouble growing maize. Hopefully the coming hurricane season will bring them at least some of the moisture they so desperately need. The school children here are doing very well and are not worried about coronavirus in such a remote area.

Lada Matyášová, Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc