
Thanks to Mrs. Mand’s contact, I was able to get information directly from Jeremie, the epicenter of the earthquake. She has lived alone in Haiti for four years, so she has countless contacts here, thanks to which she has now managed to send a little help to Haiti, and especially to learn about the news from the earthquake-stricken areas.

The 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck the Haitian departments of Nippes, South and Grand-Anse on the morning of Saturday, August 14, 2021, resulted in tragic consequences. Of the 2,248 dead, 329 missing and 12,763 injured, there are human losses. Almost 53,000 houses were destroyed and more than 77,000 damaged in terms of material damage.

“After rapid field evaluations of all three regions and consultations with civil defense, local NGOs and state authorities, we decided on health, nutrition and housing interventions as identified immediate priorities in the most devastated areas,” one e-mail describes from Haitian volunteers who went to the place.

In collaboration with the Muslim organization Dawah of Petit-Goave and a group of doctors from the University of Port-au-Prince, they organized (from their own local resources gathered in the local community) an expedition of 35 people to support the people of Jeremie. They set out for the south of the country on September 6, 2021, and set out for the Cayes, Jeremie, Maniche, Chantal, L´asile, Cavaillon, Torbeck, and Pestel settlements. The places around Jeremie were chosen because they were one of the most densely populated affected areas (14,000 people) and also the most remote. So the supply of aid was delayed here. The whole event was dedicated by the director of the health department and the main coordinator of all CASECs in the department.

“During our stay in Jeremie, we distributed 200 hot meals a day and provided free health care and medicine to 150 people a day, all for 4 days,” the narrator continues. “People were happy for what we did for them, judging by their reactions, but they would need more.” The local authorities also appreciated the help.

The damage is significant, people still need support. “We thank from the bottom of our hearts all those who contributed to the success of this mission, and a special thank you goes to our friends in the Czech Republic,” send a big thank you to the people of Haiti.

Unfortunately, in addition to positive words and reports on aid effectiveness, the unpleasant ones also came. The socio-political situation only worsened after the earthquake. Armed gangs have resumed kidnappings, killings and thefts. Several kidnappings are also recorded in Petit-Goave and the surrounding area. Uncertainty and threats go to the limit of tolerability. However, nothing is happening on the part of the government to calm the situation.

Lada Matyášová, Arcdieocaesan Caritas Olomouc